Sunday, November 9, 2014

Chapter 5: Managing Knowledge and Data

In these post I will highlight the most important point in every section of chapter five

5.1 Managing Data

Difficulties in managing data:

• Amount of data increasing exponentially

• Data are scattered throughout organizations and collected by many individuals   using various methods and devices.

• Data come from many sources.

• Data security, quality, and integrity are critical.

Data governance: is an approach to managing information across an entire organization.

Master data management: is a process that spans all of an organization’s business processes and applications.

Master data: are a set of core data that span all of an enterprise’s information systems.

5.2 The Database Approach

*Database management system (DBMS) minimizes the following problems:

Data redundancy: The same data are stored in many places.

Data isolation: Applications cannot access data associated with other applications.

Data inconsistency: Various copies of the data do not agree.

*DBMS's maximize the following issues:

Data security: Keeping the organization’s data safe from theft, modification, and/or destruction.

Data integrity: Data must meet constraints (e.g., student grade point averages cannot be negative).

Data independence: Applications and data are independent of one another. Applications and data are not linked to each other, meaning that applications are able to access the same data.

*Data Hierarchy:

A bit is a binary digit, or a “0” or a “1”.

A byte is eight bits and represents a single character (e.g., a letter, number or symbol).

A field is a group of logically related characters (e.g., a word, small group of words, or identification number).

A record is a group of logically related fields (e.g., student in a university database).

A file is a group of logically related records.

A database is a group of logically related files.

*Designing the Database:

Data model: The data model is a diagram that represents the entities in the database and their relationships.

Entity: An entity is a person, place, thing, or event about which information is maintained. A record generally describes an entity.

Attribute: An attribute is a particular characteristic or quality of a particular entity.

Primary key: The primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record.

Secondary keys: Secondary keys are other field that have some identifying information but typically do not identify the file with complete accuracy.

*Entity-Relationship Modeling:

Database designers plan the database design in a process called entity-relationship (ER) modeling. ER diagrams consist of entities, attributes and relationships.

Entity classes: Entity classes are groups of entities of a certain type.

Instance: An instance of an entity class is the representation of a particular entity.

Identifiers: Entity instances have identifiers, which are attributes that are unique to that entity instance.

5.3 Database Management Systems

Database management system (DBMS): A database management system is a set of programs that provide users with tools to add, delete, access, and analyze data stored in one location

Relational database model: The relational database model is based on the concept of two-dimensional tables:

  • Structured Query Language (SQL): Structured query language allows users to perform complicated searches by using relatively simple statements or keywords.
  • Query by Example (QBE): Query by example allows users to fill out a grid or template to construct a sample or description of the data he or she wants.


Normalization is a method for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its most streamlined form for:

  • Minimum redundancy
  • Maximum data integrity
  • Best processing performance

Normalized data occurs when attributes in the table depend only on the primary key.

5.4 Data Warehousing

Data warehouses and Data Marts: A data warehouse is a repository of historical data organized by subject to support decision makers in the organization.

Benefits of Data Warehousing

  • End users can access data quickly and easily via Web browsers because they are located in one place.
  • End users can conduct extensive analysis with data in ways that may not have been possible before.
  • End users have a consolidated view of organizational data.

5.5 Knowledge Management

Knowledge management (KM): Knowledge management is a process that helps organizations manipulates important knowledge that is part of the organization’s memory, usually in an unstructured format.

Knowledge: Knowledge that is contextual, relevant, and actionable.

Intellectual capital (or intellectual assets): Intellectual capital is another term often used for knowledge.

*Type of knowledge:

Explicit knowledge: objective, rational, technical knowledge that has been documented. Examples: policies, procedural guides, reports, products, strategies, goals, core competencies

Tacit knowledge: cumulative store of subjective or experiential learning. Examples: experiences, insights, expertise, know-how, trade secrets, understanding, skill sets, and learning

*Knowledge Management System Cycle:

  • Create knowledge
  • Capture knowledge
  • Refine knowledge
  • Store knowledge
  • Manage knowledge
  • Disseminate knowledge

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